Content Disclaimer

The content in this website is solely written for the enjoyment of the reader, as a compilation of information related to the racing career of Everet B. Regal and the Widow Makers Race Team. No claims of accuracy or inaccuracy are to be construed as definite. Every effort to include only factual material has been made, but the content and stories are based on recollection as well as historical notes. All names and event references have been made with positive intention, and with the deepest respect, and admiration, to best convey the stories as accurate.

All content is written and interpreted by Everet D. Regal, son of Everet B. Regal. The majority of the material has been compiled from interviewing Everet B. Regal, his recollections, and viewpoints, as well as the interpretation and viewpoints of Everet D. Regal. Additional content comes from all those involved during the years of reference.

If any content, name, reference or picture is offensive to any person or organization or you feel your copyright has been infringed upon, please contact me so that I may correct the reference or remove it from the content. Any persons interested in contributing to the content are welcome to contact me to review and discuss the material. All written material is copyright©2002 and not to be used without permission.

This site is dedicated to my father, for providing me with this legacy of childhood memories, heroes and opportunities within the racing community.

Thank You,

Everet D. Regal
